When do I report a traffic accident?

If someone involved in the collision is injured, there is smoke or fire coming from a vehicle or there is imminent danger, please call 9-1-1 immediately. For less serious collisions where vehicles are not operable, please call the Winkler Police Service at 204-325-0829 during office hours or 204-325-9990 after hours and wait for an officer to attend. Officers can assist you with having a tow truck attend the scene to tow your vehicle and exchange information with all involved parties.

Only collisions involving the following require a police report:

  • Fatality
  • Serious injury (Meaning someone was admitted to the hospital)
  • Unlicensed driver or unregistered vehicle
  • Hit & Run
  • Failure to obtain particulars from other party
  • Suspected use of drugs or alcohol by other driver

MPI will inform those reporting claims if they are required to report to the police.

Your traffic accident report must be made in person at our office during regular office hours. Please bring with your driver’s licence and vehicle registration, as the report cannot be completed without these documents.

There is no requirement for police involvement if there are no injuries, all vehicles involved are operable, information has been properly exchanged, and there is no suspicion that any involved drivers are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

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