Victim Services

Victim Services recognizes that all too often victims of crime are unaware of what avenues of assistance are open to them.

Victim Services has been established to provide you, the victim, with information about your case at any stage of the investigation and can assist with any questions you have regarding your case.

Who is Eligible?
Victims of crime need the support of their families and friends to help them deal with the trauma of victimization. Sometimes this support is not sufficient, or additional help or information is needed. This is where we can help you. If you have been the victim of a crime and would like information or assistance, please give us a call. We have listed some of the crimes you may have been a victim of:

  • Domestic Assault
  • Sexual Assault
  • Physical Assault
  • Theft
  • Mischief/Vandalism
  • Uttering Threats
  • Break and Enter
  • Harassing Phone Calls
  • Bicycle Theft

Your Rights as a Victim or Witness
Our goal is to meet the needs of victims of crime, and reduce the trauma they have experienced. We want to help. We realize that for many persons, being a victim or witness to a crime is their first experience with the criminal justice system. As a victim or witness you have certain rights within the system.

We can provide you with information regarding the process of the investigation and prosecutions.

We will explain how the system works in respect to investigation and prosecutions.

If you have suffered direct personal injury as a result of a crime, you may be eligible for reimbursement from the government for certain expenses, such as medical expenses or loss of wages. We can direct you to the appropriate agency.

We are concerned about your well-being and offer you moral support throughout your case.

If you require specialized professional assistance, such as counseling service, legal advice, health care, or mediation services, we can direct you to the appropriate community agency.

If you have any problems or questions that we may be able to assist you with, please feel free to contact us at (204) 325-0829.

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