Child & Adult Abuse Registry Checks


The Winkler Police Service does not conduct Child or Adult Abuse Registry checks. If your employer requires you to obtain a Child or Adult Abuse Registry check, they should provide you with the appropriate forms to complete. The completed forms should then be mailed to the corresponding address below:

Child Abuse Registry
777 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3G 0N3

Adult Abuse Registry
777 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3G 0N3

If you did not receive the forms from your employer, contact the Child Protection Branch at (204) 945-6967 or toll-free at 1-800-282-8069. They can also be downloaded from our website, or be completed and submitted online at:

In order for your Adult Abuse or Child Abuse Registry Check application to be accepted it must be accompanied by a photocopy of two (2) valid pieces of government-issued identification. Your photocopied identification and Part 1 of your application must be verified and signed by a witness.

A witness can be anyone over the age of 18 who is NOT a member of your family by blood, marriage, common-law relationship, adoption or guardianship.

The witness must examine and ensure that the original identification matches the photocopy, sign and date the photocopy page and provide his or her contact information including name, phone number and relationship to the applicant.

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